
ADS uses its own address system named AmsNetId to identify devices. The assignment of a devices to an AmsNetId happens via routing. Routing is handled differently on Windows and Linux and is explained for both operating systems in the sections below.

To identify each side of a route we will use the terms client and target. The client is your computer where pyads runs on. The target is you plc or remote computer which you want to connect to.

Creating routes on Windows

On Windows you don’t need to manually add the routes with pyads but instead you use the TwinCAT Router UI ( TcSystemManager) which comes with the TwinCAT installation. Have a look at the TwinCAT documentation on for further details.

Creating routes on Linux

To create a new route on Linux you can simply use the Connection class. It connects to the target and creates a route to it on your client.

>>> import pyads
>>> remote_ip = ''
>>> remote_ads = ''
>>> with pyads.Connection(remote_ads, pyads.PORT_TC3PLC1, remote_ip) as plc:
>>>     plc.read_by_name('.TAG_NAME', pyads.PLCTYPE_INT)


You still need to create a route from the target to the client. You can do this manually on your target or you can use the function add_route_to_plc() as explained below!

Get the AMS address of the local machine. This may need to be added to the routing table of the remote machine.


On Linux machines at least one route must be added before the call to get_local_address() will function properly.

Optionally, a local AmsNetId can be manually set before adding a route. Set this to match the expected AMS ID in the remote machine’s routing table.

>> > import pyads
>> > pyads.open_port()
>> > pyads.set_local_address('')
>> > pyads.close_port()

Adding routes to a target

ADS requires you to create a route in the routing tables of both your client and your target. How you add a route to your client is handled in the section above. To create a route on your target you can either use TwinCAT or you can make use of the convenience function add_route_to_plc().

Here is an example of adding a route to a target (e.g. remote plc) to allow connections to a PC with the Hostname “MyPC”


You need to open a port and set a local netid with set_local_address() before you can use add_route_to_plc().

>>> import pyads
>>> SENDER_AMS = ''
>>> PLC_IP = ''
>>> PLC_USERNAME = 'plc_username'
>>> PLC_PASSWORD = 'plc_password'
>>> ROUTE_NAME = 'RouteToMyPC'
>>> HOSTNAME = 'MyPC'  # or IP
>>> pyads.open_port()
>>> pyads.set_local_address(SENDER_AMS)
>>> pyads.add_route_to_plc(SENDER_AMS, HOSTNAME, PLC_IP, PLC_USERNAME, PLC_PASSWORD, route_name=ROUTE_NAME)
>>> pyads.close_port()


When adding the route in TwinCAT make sure to deactivate the unidirectional option.