Source code for pyads.testserver.advanced_handler

"""Advanced handler module for testserver.

:author: Stefan Lehmann <>
:license: MIT, see license file or
:created on: 2017-09-15

from typing import Optional, Union, Dict, Tuple, List
import struct
import ctypes
from datetime import datetime

from .handler import AbstractHandler, AmsPacket, AmsResponseData, logger
from pyads import constants, structs
from pyads.filetimes import dt_to_filetime
from pyads.pyads_ex import callback_store

[docs]class PLCVariable: """Storage item for named data. Also include variable type so it can be retrieved later. This basically mirrors SAdsSymbolEntry or AdsSymbol, however we want to avoid using those directly since they are test subjects. """ handle_count = 10000 # Keep track of the latest awarded handle notification_count = 10 # Keep track the latest notification handle INDEX_GROUP = 12345 INDEX_OFFSET_BASE = 10000 def __init__( self, name: str, value: Union[int, float, bytes], ads_type: int, symbol_type: str, index_group: Optional[int] = None, index_offset: Optional[int] = None, ) -> None: """ Handle and indices are set by default (to random but safe values) :param str name: variable name :param bytes value: variable value as bytes :param int ads_type: constants.ADST_* :param str symbol_type: PLC-style name of type :param Optional[int] index_group: set index_group manually :param Optional[int] index_offset: set index_offset manually """ = name.strip("\x00") # value is stored in binary! if isinstance(value, bytes): self.value = value else: # try to pack value according to ads_type fmt = constants.DATATYPE_MAP[constants.ads_type_to_ctype[ads_type]] self.value = struct.pack(fmt, value) self.ads_type = ads_type self.symbol_type = symbol_type self.handle = PLCVariable.handle_count PLCVariable.handle_count += 1 if index_group is None: self.index_group = ( PLCVariable.INDEX_GROUP ) # default value - shouldn't matter much else: self.index_group = index_group if index_offset is None: # cheat by using the handle as offset (since we know it will be unique) self.index_offset = PLCVariable.INDEX_OFFSET_BASE + self.handle else: self.index_offset = index_offset self.comment: str = "" self.notifications: List[int] = [] # List of associated notification handles @property def size(self) -> int: """Return size of value.""" return len(self.value)
[docs] def get_packed_info(self) -> bytes: """Get bytes array of symbol info""" if self.comment is None: self.comment = "" name_bytes ="utf-8") symbol_type_bytes = self.symbol_type.encode("utf-8") comment_bytes = self.comment.encode("utf-8") entry_length = ( 6 * 4 + 3 * 2 + len(name_bytes) + 1 + len(symbol_type_bytes) + 1 + len(comment_bytes) ) read_data = ( struct.pack( "<IIIIIIHHH", entry_length, # Number of packed bytes self.index_group, self.index_offset, self.size, self.ads_type, 0, # Flags len(name_bytes), len(symbol_type_bytes), len(comment_bytes), ) + name_bytes + b"\x20" + symbol_type_bytes + b"\x20" + comment_bytes ) return read_data
[docs] def write(self, value: bytes, request: AmsPacket = None): """Update the variable value, respecting notifications""" if self.value != value: if self.notifications: header = structs.SAdsNotificationHeader() header.hNotification = 0 header.nTimeStamp = dt_to_filetime( header.cbSampleSize = len(value) # Perform byte-write into the header dst = ctypes.addressof(header) + ctypes.memmove(dst, value, len(value)) for notification_handle in self.notifications: # It's hard to guess the exact AmsAddr from here, so instead # ignore the address and search for the note_handle for key, func in callback_store.items(): # callback_store is keyed by (AmsAddr, int) if key[1] != notification_handle: continue header.hNotification = notification_handle addr = key[0] # Call c-wrapper for user callback func(addr.amsAddrStruct(), header, 0) self.value = value
[docs] def register_notification(self) -> int: """Register a new notification.""" handle = self.notification_count self.notifications.append(handle) self.notification_count += 1 return handle
[docs] def unregister_notification(self, handle: int = None): """Unregister a notification. :param handle: Set to `None` (default) to unregister all notifications """ if handle is None: self.notifications = [] else: if handle in self.notifications: self.notifications.remove(handle)
[docs]class AdvancedHandler(AbstractHandler): """The advanced handler allows to store and restore data. The advanced handler allows to store and restore data via read, write and read_write functions. There is a storage area for each symbol. The purpose of this handler to test read/write access and test basic interaction. Variables can be read/write through indices, name and handle. An error will be thrown when an attempt is made to read from a non-existent variable. You can either: i) write the variable first (it is implicitly created) or ii) create the variable yourself and place it in the handler. Note that the variable type cannot be set correctly in the implicit creation! (It will default to UINT16.) Use explicit creation if a non-default type is important. """ def __init__(self) -> None: self._data: Dict[Tuple[int, int], PLCVariable] = {} # This will be our variables database # We won't both with indexing it by handle or name, speed is not # important. We store by group + offset index and will have to # search inefficiently for name or handle. (Unlike real ADS!) self.reset()
[docs] def reset(self) -> None: """Clear saved variables in handler""" self._data = {}
[docs] def handle_request(self, request: AmsPacket) -> AmsResponseData: """Handle incoming requests and create a response.""" # Extract command id from the request command_id_bytes = request.ams_header.command_id command_id = struct.unpack("<H", command_id_bytes)[0] # Set AMS state correctly for response state = struct.unpack("<H", request.ams_header.state_flags)[0] state = state | 0x0001 # Set response flag state = struct.pack("<H", state) def handle_read_device_info() -> bytes: """Create dummy response: version 1.2.3, device name 'TestServer'.""""Command received: READ_DEVICE_INFO") major_version = "\x01".encode("utf-8") minor_version = "\x02".encode("utf-8") version_build = "\x03\x00".encode("utf-8") device_name = "TestServer\x00".encode("utf-8") response_content = ( major_version + minor_version + version_build + device_name ) return response_content def handle_read() -> bytes: """Handle read request.""" data = index_group = struct.unpack("<I", data[:4])[0] index_offset = struct.unpack("<I", data[4:8])[0] plc_datatype = struct.unpack("<I", data[8:12])[0] ( "Command received: READ (index group={}, index offset={}, " "data length={})" ).format(hex(index_group), hex(index_offset), plc_datatype) ) # value by handle is demanded return from named data store if index_group == constants.ADSIGRP_SYM_VALBYHND: response_value = self.get_variable_by_handle(index_offset).value elif index_group == constants.ADSIGRP_SYM_UPLOADINFO2: symbol_count = len(self._data) response_length = 120 * symbol_count response_value = struct.pack("II", symbol_count, response_length) elif index_group == constants.ADSIGRP_SYM_UPLOAD: response_value = b"" for (group, offset) in self._data.keys(): response_value += struct.pack("III", 120, group, offset) response_value += b"\x00" * 108 else: # Create response of repeated 0x0F with a null # terminator for strings var = self.get_variable_by_indices(index_group, index_offset) response_value = var.value[:plc_datatype] return struct.pack("<I", len(response_value)) + response_value def handle_write() -> bytes: """Handle write request.""" data = index_group = struct.unpack("<I", data[:4])[0] index_offset = struct.unpack("<I", data[4:8])[0] plc_datatype = struct.unpack("<I", data[8:12])[0] value = data[12 : (12 + plc_datatype)] ( "Command received: WRITE (index group={}, index offset={}, " "data length={}, value={}" ).format(hex(index_group), hex(index_offset), plc_datatype, value) ) if index_group == constants.ADSIGRP_SYM_RELEASEHND: return b"" elif index_group == constants.ADSIGRP_SYM_VALBYHND: var = self.get_variable_by_handle(index_offset) var.write(value, request) return b"" var = self.get_variable_by_indices(index_group, index_offset) var.write(value, request) # no return value needed return b"" def handle_read_write() -> bytes: """Handle read-write request.""" data = # parse the request index_group = struct.unpack("<I", data[:4])[0] index_offset = struct.unpack("<I", data[4:8])[0] read_length = struct.unpack("<I", data[8:12])[0] write_length = struct.unpack("<I", data[12:16])[0] write_data = data[16 : (16 + write_length)] ( "Command received: READWRITE " "(index group={}, index offset={}, read length={}, " "write length={}, write data={})" ).format( hex(index_group), hex(index_offset), read_length, write_length, write_data, ) ) # Get variable handle by name if demanded if index_group == constants.ADSIGRP_SYM_HNDBYNAME: var_name = write_data.decode() # This could be part of a write-by-name, so create the # variable if it does not yet exist var = self.get_variable_by_name(var_name) read_data = struct.pack("<I", var.handle) # Get the symbol if requested elif index_group == constants.ADSIGRP_SYM_INFOBYNAMEEX: var_name = write_data.decode() var = self.get_variable_by_name(var_name) read_data = var.get_packed_info() # Write to a list of variables elif index_group == constants.ADSIGRP_SUMUP_WRITE: num_requests = index_offset # number of requests is coded in the offset for sumup_write rq_list = [ ( struct.unpack("<I", write_data[i : i + 4])[0], # index_group struct.unpack("<I", write_data[i + 4 : i + 8])[ 0 ], # index_offset struct.unpack("<I", write_data[i + 8 : i + 12])[0], # size ) for i in range(0, num_requests * 12, 12) ] data = write_data[num_requests * 12 :] offset = 0 for index_group, index_offset, size in rq_list: var = self.get_variable_by_indices(index_group, index_offset) var.write(data[offset : offset + size], request) offset += size read_data = struct.pack("<" + num_requests * "I", *(num_requests * [0])) # Read a list of variables elif index_group == constants.ADSIGRP_SUMUP_READ: num_requests = index_offset rq_list = [ ( struct.unpack("<I", write_data[i : i + 4])[0], # index_group struct.unpack("<I", write_data[i + 4 : i + 8])[ 0 ], # index_offset struct.unpack("<I", write_data[i + 8 : i + 12])[0], # size ) for i in range(0, num_requests * 12, 12) ] read_data = struct.pack("<" + num_requests * "I", *(num_requests * [0])) for index_group, index_offset, size in rq_list: var = self.get_variable_by_indices(index_group, index_offset) read_data += var.value # Else just return the value stored else: # read stored data var = self.get_variable_by_indices(index_group, index_offset) read_data = var.value[:read_length] # store write data var.write(write_data, request) return struct.pack("<I", len(read_data)) + read_data def handle_read_state() -> bytes: """Handle read-state request.""""Command received: READ_STATE") ads_state = struct.pack("<H", constants.ADSSTATE_RUN) # I don't know what an appropriate value for device state is. # I suspect it may be unused.. device_state = struct.pack("<H", 0) return ads_state + device_state def handle_writectrl() -> bytes: """Handle writectrl request.""""Command received: WRITE_CONTROL") # No response data required return b"" def handle_add_devicenote() -> bytes: """Handle add_devicenode request. The actual callback is stored in `pyads_ex.callback_store`. All we need to do here is remember to prompt the client with an updated value if a callback was placed. The client will remember which callback belongs to it. """ data = index_group, index_offset, length, mode, max_delay, cycle_time = \ struct.unpack("<IIIIII", data[:24]) "Command received: ADD_DEVICE_NOTIFICATION (index_group={}, " "index_group={})".format(index_group, index_offset) ) # Return value is the notification_handle # The notification handle is an incrementing value var = self.get_variable_by_indices(index_group, index_offset) handle = var.register_notification() return handle.to_bytes(4, byteorder='little') def handle_delete_devicenote() -> bytes: """Handle delete_devicenode request.""" data = handle = struct.unpack("<I", data[:4])[0]"Command received: DELETE_DEVICE_NOTIFICATION (handle={})".format(handle)) var = self.get_variable_by_notification_handle(handle) var.unregister_notification(handle) # No response data required return b"" def handle_devicenote() -> bytes: """Handle a device notification.""""Command received: DEVICE_NOTIFICATION") # No response data required return b"" # Function map function_map = { constants.ADSCOMMAND_READDEVICEINFO: handle_read_device_info, constants.ADSCOMMAND_READ: handle_read, constants.ADSCOMMAND_WRITE: handle_write, constants.ADSCOMMAND_READWRITE: handle_read_write, constants.ADSCOMMAND_READSTATE: handle_read_state, constants.ADSCOMMAND_WRITECTRL: handle_writectrl, constants.ADSCOMMAND_ADDDEVICENOTE: handle_add_devicenote, constants.ADSCOMMAND_DELDEVICENOTE: handle_delete_devicenote, constants.ADSCOMMAND_DEVICENOTE: handle_devicenote, } # Try to map the command id to a function, else return error code if command_id in function_map: content = function_map[command_id]() else:"Unknown Command: {0}".format(hex(command_id))) # Set error code to 'unknown command ID' error_code = "\x08\x00\x00\x00".encode("utf-8") return AmsResponseData(state, error_code, "".encode("utf-8")) # Set no error in response error_code = ("\x00" * 4).encode("utf-8") response_data = error_code + content return AmsResponseData(state, request.ams_header.error_code, response_data)
[docs] def get_variable_by_handle(self, handle: int) -> PLCVariable: """Get PLC variable by handle, throw error when not found""" for idx, var in self._data.items(): if var.handle == handle: return var raise KeyError( "Variable with handle `{}` not found - Create it first " "explicitly or write to it".format(handle) )
[docs] def get_variable_by_indices( self, index_group: int, index_offset: int ) -> PLCVariable: """Get PLC variable by handle, throw error when not found""" tup = (index_group, index_offset) if tup in self._data: return self._data[tup] raise KeyError( "Variable with indices ({}, {}) not found - Create " "it first explicitly or write to it".format(index_group, index_offset) )
[docs] def get_variable_by_name(self, name: str) -> PLCVariable: """Get variable by name, throw error if not found""" name = name.strip("\x00") for key, var in self._data.items(): if == name: return var raise KeyError( "Variable with name `{}` not found - Create it first " "explicitly or write to it".format(name) )
[docs] def get_variable_by_notification_handle(self, handle: int) -> PLCVariable: """Get variable by a notification handle, throw error if not found""" for _, var in self._data.items(): if handle in var.notifications: return var raise KeyError("Notification handle `{}` could not be resolved".format(handle))
[docs] def add_variable(self, var: PLCVariable) -> None: """Add a new variable.""" tup = (var.index_group, var.index_offset) self._data[tup] = var