Source code for pyads.structs

"""Structs for the work with ADS API.

:author: Stefan Lehmann <>
:license: MIT, see license file or
:created on: 2018-06-11 18:15:53


import ctypes
from ctypes import Structure, c_ubyte, c_uint16, c_uint32, c_uint64
from typing import Union

from .constants import ADSTRANS_SERVERONCHA

[docs]class SAdsVersion(Structure): """Struct containing ADS version information.""" _fields_ = [("version", c_ubyte), ("revision", c_ubyte), ("build", c_uint16)]
[docs]class AdsVersion: """Contains version number, revision number, build number of the ADS-DLL. :ivar int version: version number :ivar int revision: revision number :ivar int build: build number """ def __init__(self, stAdsVersion: SAdsVersion) -> None: """Create new AdsVersion object. :param pyads.constants.SAdsVersion stAdsVersion: ctypes structure with the version info """ self.version = stAdsVersion.version self.revision = stAdsVersion.revision =
[docs]class SAmsNetId(Structure): """Struct with array of 6 bytes used to describe a net id.""" _pack_ = 1 _fields_ = [("b", c_ubyte * 6)]
[docs]class SAmsAddr(Structure): """Struct containing the netId and port of an ADS device.""" _pack_ = 1 _fields_ = [("netId", SAmsNetId), ("port", c_uint16)]
[docs]class AmsAddr(object): """Wrapper for SAmsAddr-structure to address an ADS device. :type _ams_addr: SAmsAddr :ivar _ams_addr: ctypes-structure SAmsAddr """ def __init__(self, netid: str = None, port: int = None) -> None: """Create a new AmsAddr object by a given netid and port. :param netid: NetId of an ADS device :param port: port of an ADS device """ self._ams_addr = SAmsAddr() if netid is not None: self.netid = netid if port is not None: self.port = port
[docs] def toString(self) -> str: """Textual representation of the AMS address. :rtype: string :return: textual representation of the AMS address """ return self.netid + ": " + str(self._ams_addr.port)
# property netid @property def netid(self) -> str: """Netid of the AmsAddress. The Netid is always returned as a String. If the NetId is set it can be passed as a String or as a SAmsNetId struct. """ return ".".join(map(str, self._ams_addr.netId.b)) @netid.setter def netid(self, value: Union[str, SAmsNetId]) -> None: # Check if the value is already an instance of the SAmsNetId struct if isinstance(value, SAmsNetId): self._ams_addr.netId = value # Otherwise, attempt to parse the id as a string else: id_numbers = list(map(int, value.split("."))) if len(id_numbers) != 6: raise ValueError("no valid netid") # Fill the netId struct with data self._ams_addr.netId.b = (c_ubyte * 6)(*id_numbers) # property port @property def port(self) -> int: """Port of the AmsAddress object.""" return self._ams_addr.port @port.setter def port(self, value: int) -> None: self._ams_addr.port = c_uint16(value)
[docs] def amsAddrStruct(self) -> SAmsAddr: """Return the c-types structure SAmsAddr.""" return self._ams_addr
[docs] def netIdStruct(self) -> SAmsNetId: """Return the c-types structure SAmsNetId.""" return self._ams_addr.netId
[docs] def setAdr(self, adrString: str) -> None: """Set the AMS-address according to the given IP-address. :type adrString: string :param adrString: ip-address of an ADS device """ self.netid = adrString
def __repr__(self) -> str: """Return object name.""" return "<AmsAddress {}:{}>".format(self.netid, self.port)
[docs]class NotificationAttrib(object): """Notification Attribute.""" def __init__( self, length: int, trans_mode: int = ADSTRANS_SERVERONCHA, max_delay: float = 1e-4, cycle_time: float = 1e-4 ) -> None: """Create a new NotificationAttrib object. :param int length: length of the data :param int trans_mode: transmission mode :param float max_delay: maximum delay in ms :param float cycle_time: cycle time in ms """ self._attrib = SAdsNotificationAttrib() if length: self._attrib.cbLength = length if trans_mode: self._attrib.nTransMode = trans_mode if max_delay: self._attrib.nMaxDelay = int(max_delay * 1e4) if cycle_time: self._attrib.nCycleTime = int(cycle_time * 1e4)
[docs] def notificationAttribStruct(self) -> "SAdsNotificationAttrib": """Return the raw struct.""" return self._attrib
@property def length(self) -> int: """Notification data length.""" return self._attrib.cbLength @length.setter def length(self, val: int) -> None: self._attrib.cbLength = val @property def trans_mode(self) -> int: """Mode of transmission. This can be one of the following: * ADSTRANS_NOTRANS * ADSTRANS_CLIENTCYCLE * ADSTRANS_CLIENT1REQ * ADSTRANS_SERVERCYCLE * ADSTRANS_SERVERONCHA """ return self._attrib.nTransMode @trans_mode.setter def trans_mode(self, val: int) -> None: self._attrib.nTransMode = val @property def max_delay(self) -> None: """Maximum allowed delay between notifications in ms.""" return self._attrib.nMaxDelay @max_delay.setter def max_delay(self, val: int) -> None: self._attrib.nMaxDelay = val @property def cycle_time(self) -> int: """Notification cycle time in ms for cycle transmission mode.""" return self._attrib.nCycleTime @cycle_time.setter def cycle_time(self, val: int) -> None: self._attrib.nCycleTime = val self._attrib.dwChangeFilter = val def __repr__(self) -> str: """Return object name.""" return "<NotificationAttrib {} {} {} {}>".format( self.length, self.trans_mode, self.max_delay, self.cycle_time )
class _AttribUnion(ctypes.Union): _fields_ = [("nCycleTime", c_uint32), ("dwChangeFilter", c_uint32)]
[docs]class SAdsNotificationAttrib(Structure): """C structure representation of AdsNotificationAttrib.""" _pack_ = 1 _anonymous_ = ("AttribUnion",) _fields_ = [ ("cbLength", c_uint32), ("nTransMode", c_uint32), ("nMaxDelay", c_uint32), ("AttribUnion", _AttribUnion), ]
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
[docs]class SAdsNotificationHeader(Structure): """C structure representation of AdsNotificationHeader. :ivar hNotification: notification handle :ivar nTimeStamp: time stamp in FILETIME format :ivar cbSampleSize: number of data bytes :ivar data: variable-length data field, get via ctypes.addressof + offset """ _pack_ = 1 _fields_ = [ ("hNotification", c_uint32), ("nTimeStamp", c_uint64), ("cbSampleSize", c_uint32), ("data", c_ubyte), ]
[docs]class SAdsSymbolUploadInfo(Structure): """C structure representation of AdsSymbolUploadInfo.""" _pack_ = 1 _fields_ = [("nSymbols", c_uint32), ("nSymSize", c_uint32)]
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
[docs]class SAdsSymbolEntry(Structure): """ADS symbol information. :ivar entryLength: length of complete symbol entry :ivar iGroup: indexGroup of symbol: input, output etc. :ivar iOffs: indexOffset of symbol :ivar size: size of symbol (in bytes, 0=bit) :ivar dataType: adsDataType of symbol :ivar flags: symbol flags :ivar nameLength: length of symbol name :ivar typeLength: length of type name :ivar commentLength: length of comment A complete example could be: .. code:: python value: 57172 # Current value info.entryLength: 88 # Total storage space for this symbol info.iGroup: 16448 # Group index info.iOffs: 385000 # Offset index inside group info.size: 2 # Number of bytes needed for the value info.dataType: 18 # Symbol type, in this case constants.ADST_UINT16 (18) info.flags: 8 # TwinCAT byte flags info.nameLength: 11 # Number of characters in the name info.typeLength: 4 # Number of characters in the PLC string representation of the type info.commentLength: 20 # Number of characters in the comment info.stringBuffer: <pyads.structs.c_ubyte_Array_768 object> # Concatenation of all string info bytes(info.stringBuffer): b'GVL.counter\x00UINT\x00 Counter (in ' 'pulses)\x00\x95\x19\x07\x18\x00\x00\x00\x00' bytes(info.stringBuffer).encode(): "GVL.counter UINT Counter (in pulses)" "GVL.counter" # The name section from the buffer info.symbol_type: "UINT" # The symbol_type section from the buffer info.comment: " Counter (in pulses)" # The comment (if any) """ _pack_ = 1 _fields_ = [ ("entryLength", c_uint32), ("iGroup", c_uint32), ("iOffs", c_uint32), ("size", c_uint32), ("dataType", c_uint32), ("flags", c_uint32), ("nameLength", c_uint16), ("typeLength", c_uint16), ("commentLength", c_uint16), ("stringBuffer", c_ubyte * (256 * 3)), # 3 strings contained, with max length 256 each ] def _get_string(self, offset: int, length: int) -> str: """Get portion of the bigger string buffer""" return bytes(self.stringBuffer[offset:(offset + length)]) \ .decode("windows-1252") # TwinCAT uses Windows encoding for non-ascii characters @property def name(self) -> str: """The symbol name.""" return self._get_string(0, self.nameLength) @property def symbol_type(self) -> str: """The qualified type name, including the namespace.""" return self._get_string(self.nameLength + 1, self.typeLength) @property def comment(self) -> str: """User-defined comment.""" return self._get_string( self.nameLength + self.typeLength + 2, self.commentLength )
[docs]class SAdsSumRequest(Structure): """ADS sum request structure. :ivar iGroup: indexGroup of request :ivar iOffs: indexOffset of request :ivar size: size of request """ _pack_ = 1 _fields_ = [("iGroup", c_uint32), ("iOffset", c_uint32), ("size", c_uint32)]